Each 5lb. presentation haggis has been handmade in a natural casing with just the perfect blend of lamb meat, oatmeal, onions, beef liver and spices. The presentation haggis takes the shape of the natural casing so it could be round, curved, thick at one end, thinner at the other. This is the same haggis as inside the catering haggis – but meant for presentation: a piper piping it into the room, and then someone saying the Address to the Haggis and splitting it open at just the right moment. Still filled with the same crumbly, spicy haggis your dinner guests will enjoy.
As a haggis should be – crumbly and spicy, never greasy. Several of our customers have written back telling us this is the best haggis they’ve tasted outside of Scotland. We think you’ll agree.
Let the haggis thaw in a sink of water for 2-3 hours. Keep the outer vacuum wrapper on to protect the haggis, place in large pan with water and cover with aluminum foil to create a steam bath , then simmer the haggis for 1 hour at 350 degrees in the oven. Serve warm ‘n reekin’ in true Burns style. Each 5 lb. haggis can serve 25 people an appetizer portion of 3 ounces each. Shipped frozen via UPS 2ND Day Air Delivery.