We now offer a delicious vegetarian haggis, made for us exclusively here in America. This is a spicy, crumbly, vegetable (vegan) version of this Scottish classic. And you get the rewards – a crumbly delicious haggis made from carrots, mushrooms, onions, Scottish oats, red beans and Andrew Hamilton’s special spice blend. Presented in a 1 lb, 2.25-inch-thick cylinder with artificial casing, you’ll love it served up with the classic side dishes of mashed potatoes and mashed turnips (champit tatties and bashed neeps for the Scots). Each one pound vegetarian haggis will serve two as a generous main course, or four as an appetizer. As always at Scottish Gourmet USA, it is satisfaction guaranteed.
Your haggis is cooked then frozen and vacuum packed in poly film. We ship it to you frozen and you can put it in the freezer for up to one year. When you are ready to enjoy your haggis, simply remove the outer packaging (not the artificial casing itself), place it in a loaf pan with water and tent the pan with aluminum foil to create a little steam bath. Bake it for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. When your haggis is cooked, slice open the casing and serve. The vegetable haggis should be steaming, crumbly and slightly spicy. Enjoy!